Tuesday, August 4, 2009

3 weeks away from seeing the Pyramids!

I can't believe I'm just a few weeks away from landing in Cairo. I'm getting more anxious as friends ask me if I'm excited and if I've packed yet. It hasn't hit me yet, especially when I first applied to the program. I thought of it as something I just had to do, but never really considered it as a unique opportunity. Now, I really see the value in this opp.

AUC finally got back to me with the classes I'll be taking there. My earliest class will be at 11:30am and my latest class ending at 4:45pm with up to an hour and half commute each way. For example, use this analogy. I'll be living in the Upper West Side (maybe into the Bronx) and my campus is like in Eastern L.I. Not too excited about the commute. :( But...I am excited about this Into to Photography class I got into..much more interesting to take a class like that in another country! The other classes I'll be taking are: Muslim Political Thought, Islamic Philosophy and Arabic.

I am psyched for my other friends who are studying abroad as well..hopefully we'll get a chance to meet up during break or something. Esp. if you're in North Africa!

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