Friday, September 4, 2009

the things I learn here

1) Don't wear brand new shoes to the mosque. They will get stolen. (thanks Yasser)
2) I'm going to defenestrate you means I want to throw you out the window.
3) Don't get a henna tattoo done from a random vendor at might be allergic to whatever ingredients they put in there. My roomie got it done..and needed injections afterwards bc it burned.
4) Don't buy things from the vendors around the pyramids (they'll rip you off for sure).
5) Sketchy neighborhoods probably have the best restaurants.
6) Sunscreen is a must here.
7) Cab rides in Cairo make you feel like you'll get into a dozen car accidents before your destination or you'll just see them happen around you. It's a thrill ride.
8) No matter how much you want to learn Arabic from a local..they'll only speak to you in English.
9) Women at restaurants stand outside bathroom doors and so when you use the bathroom they'll give you some toilet paper squares. Then in plain English, they say "Money!" Always bring your own! (My local male friend just told me he was going to warn me about that, but thought it would be
10) Service at restaurants are usually slow. Sometimes you just have to get up yourself and pick up the check.
11) Marriage proposals are common here. They are straight-forward when they ask you to marry them.
12) Cars don't like to drive in their proper lanes. They are just there for show, like maybe they should follow them, but its not necessary. So in a two-lane road, you'll see 4 cars riding along side-by-side. How cabbies get through them, I don't know!

1 comment:

  1. A lot of the things you have learned I learned as well in Morocco. And somehow defenestrate came up in Morocco too lol! Must be something about studying abroad to an Arabic speaking country...makes us want to throw people out windows ha.
