Monday, August 31, 2009

Another day in Cairo

So today was the second time I went to the new campus. This time hoping I could complete getting my ID and bus pass done, along with my student visa. Guess what? I only got my student id done. And that was with much trouble and frustration. I did meet another Paki on the bus this morning..hoping I could catch up on sleep, she asked to sit next to me. She asked me where I was from..and soon realized I wasn't Egyptian. Many people think that, but its cool. Hopefully, this way people won't try to rip me off! Anyway, we spent the day together just trying to get things done, but we didn't. We just got our ID cards done. It was interesting to see that the machine they were using to make the cards was from USAID. It didn't seem like a very good machine; it was a very slow process. We waited for one and half hours, trying to do other things in between the number they gave us, but got nothing else done. Offices have been closing at 2:30pm because od Ramadan. So, I shall return tomorrow to try and get all my things in order.

This evening, we went to a place called Goal by the Nile River. We had some cheap food, and skipped out on the shisha. We aren't sure if we should try it yet, since the RA's have told us that they are dangerous in the sense of Swine Flu outbreaks. :( I don't know. We walked by the Nile and discovered that the rails aren't very sturdy. Our friend almost fell over! The traffic and shops remind me of Karachi, so thats nice. Nonetheless, this place seems awesome. We are still trying to figure out things (communication mostly). It's difficult asking for things at the store when they don't understand us..or rather, we don't understand them! I need to brush up on my Arabic!

My mom finally got a chance to phone me tonight. I spoke to my parents for a bit. I told them it would have been cool if I studied here for all four years. They were like.."yeah right!" Then, I scheduled to skype with them. The internet keeps dropping the connection, which is really annoying.

Well, I'll be waking up in some hours for tell you all more later.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm finally here..and totally having a blast

So I arrived at the Cairo International Airport Friday at 12:30pm (6:30am-NY time). I barely got any sleep on the plane because some baby in the back was crying the whole way through. Secondly, this really cute kid was sitting next to me and wouldn't let me sleep. He wanted to play with me, so I did. But then when he fell asleep, he kept kicking the whole night! I couldn't say anything because I do it too. :)

Anyway, some guy with an AUC sign got us together after we passed through Customs and got onto a bus to Zamalek. It wasn't as hot as I expected it to be. Later that day I met my roommate and she's so awesome. She almost got run over by a car some days ago until some Egyptian guy pulled her back from the cars. They went horseback riding to the Pyramids (he didn't speak a word of English--though she had the time of her life). Friday night, the international students went to the Nile on a Felucca ride which was so relaxing. The "Neel" is so beautiful.

By the way, our dorms are pretty neat. The rooms are spacious. They separate the genders, with guards for each entrance. We live in an expatty area--so guards are everywhere.

Our commute to the university is about 45 minutes each way. We were told to get onto the bus (which we take near the Nile) 7 am this morning. Though some faculty members got on that bus, even though it was for us and we were left stranded waiting for 2 hours for another bus to take us to the Uni. We finally got there..and yeah, it is in the middle of a desert. There is not much around..except the buildings they constructed for the Uni. It is massive and very nice! Though, I can't imagine dorming there..there is nothing to do in the middle of the desert. We struggled to try and get our ID cards and bus passes done. No one told us anything about the we had to try and figure it out on our own. I got nothing accomplished today except getting my Uni. e-mail created which took 3 trips back and forth from the library to the office. I met some cool Egyptian students that helped us. Hilarious people! Deciding that I would get nothing else done today, we played basketball in their huge sports complex. That was fun!

By the way--there were only clear blue skies with the sun shining directly on us at the campus. Very hot! I think I may need to buy some more sunblock!

Nonetheless, this place has been a blast to explore. Fellow students are very nice and the RA's are very cool and helpful. I really think I will enjoy my year here. I can't wait to get started on this city! The second "city that never sleeps!"

Off to explore City Stars Mall!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

3 weeks away from seeing the Pyramids!

I can't believe I'm just a few weeks away from landing in Cairo. I'm getting more anxious as friends ask me if I'm excited and if I've packed yet. It hasn't hit me yet, especially when I first applied to the program. I thought of it as something I just had to do, but never really considered it as a unique opportunity. Now, I really see the value in this opp.

AUC finally got back to me with the classes I'll be taking there. My earliest class will be at 11:30am and my latest class ending at 4:45pm with up to an hour and half commute each way. For example, use this analogy. I'll be living in the Upper West Side (maybe into the Bronx) and my campus is like in Eastern L.I. Not too excited about the commute. :( But...I am excited about this Into to Photography class I got into..much more interesting to take a class like that in another country! The other classes I'll be taking are: Muslim Political Thought, Islamic Philosophy and Arabic.

I am psyched for my other friends who are studying abroad as well..hopefully we'll get a chance to meet up during break or something. Esp. if you're in North Africa!